And since I can't launch the install from the SonyInstall_1 directory after modifing that. And faking that is kind of difficult (it's not like a registry entry). Which is why it doesn't work on my computer. One that isn't guaranteed to actually be present. But for 2013 it looks for an entry in the Windows Installer Database. For the first two it looks at registry keys. The installer directory has a file setupcfg.xml that has the tests it uses to determine if the three Visual C++ runtimes it needs are installed. When it starts it makes a directory in your TEMP drive SonyInstall_1 where it sticks the files and works from there (but you can't launch those files directly). Their downloadable installer places the actual setup into %USERPROFILE%\Documents\MAGIX Downloads\Installationsmanager and then runs it.
So I can't install 10 or even update Next. Then I try running Pro Next, which tells me I there is an update but that installer has the same problem. Which of course doesn't work on my workstation. The only advice to fixing this is to uninstall all the Visual C++ runtimes and then try running the installer. There are some forum posts about this problem (I guess it's not super common but does happen). Then it tries to install it and then claims it fails. And it tells me I'm missing the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (圆4). So I bought the upgrade and go to install it. Yeah not a smart idea, but I still am very fond of ACID. So for reasons I can't really explain I decided I did want to upgrade my ACID Pro Next to ACID Pro 10.